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TDS Calculator for Assessment Year 2009-10

Select Status of Recipient

Company or Firm or Cooperative Society
Individual or HUF

Select Section and Type of Payment

Section 193 - Payment of Interest on Securities
Section 194 B - Winnings from Lotteries or Cross Word Puzzle or Card Game or any other Game
Section 194 BB - Winnings from Horse Race
Section 194 A - Payment of Interest
Section 194 C - Payment to Contractors (In case of Advertising Contracts)
Section 194 C - Payment to Contractors / Sub-contractors (In case of Other than Advertising Contracts)
Section 194 H - Payment of Commission or Brokerage
Section 194 I - Payment of Rent of Land, Building or Furniture
Section 194 I - Payment of Rent of Plant & Machinery
Section 194 J - Payment of Professional Charges
Whether Surcharge deductible on this payment
( Select "Yes", if total payments including this payment in the financial year exceeds Rs. 10 lacs in case of Individuals & HUF and Rs. 1 crore in case of others, otherwise select "No" )
Amount of Payment
Income Tax Rate ( % )Income Tax Amount
Surcharge Rate ( % )Surcharge Amount
E. Cess Rate ( % )E. Cess Amount
Total TDS Rate ( % )Total TDS Amount Deductible

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